Ready for an unfiltered, behind the scenes, look at what the location independent and digital nomad lifestyle is really like? In each episode, Jason and Trav provide a raw and honest take on remote work, lifestyle business, lifestyle design, online business, and travel. All jam-packed into an easily digestible 30 minutes or less (most of the time!).
Tuesday Jan 12, 2021
Lessons From Going Dark
Tuesday Jan 12, 2021
Tuesday Jan 12, 2021
Today is about time freedom or, more so, the lessons we learned from going dark (aka not working) over the holidays.
What is the time you are going to take off? How does it make you feel when you disconnect fully? Please email us at Team@locationindie.com and let us know!
In This Episode:
- 02:00 It Is The Exception, Not The Rule
- 05:35 Actually Taking The Time Off
- 11:05 Real World vs Online World & The 80/20 Rule
- 17:00 #1 Lesson
- 19:35 Invaluable Existential Crisis
- 21:10 Judging Our Lives Through The Triangle Of Freedom
- 26:35 Practical Takeaway For Building More Time Freedom
Important Links
Tuesday Jan 05, 2021
The #1 Way to Avoid Rabbit Holes
Tuesday Jan 05, 2021
Tuesday Jan 05, 2021
Do you let "research" stop you from moving forward? Do you allow falling down rabbit holes to be an excuse for not actually taking steps toward your future?
Today is all about rabbit holes, breaking down the myths that surround them and we will be giving you strategies for when you do end up falling down a few of them. These can be found in any aspect of life (hello, blinds for a kid's room) but we will be focusing on the business ones that can be detrimental to taking actionable steps in your side hustle.
What is the worst rabbit hole you have found yourself scrambling down? Will you be using the strategy discussed today? Please email us at Team@locationindie.com and let us know!
In This Episode:
- 03:45 What Is A Rabbit Hole?
- 06:00 How Trav Helped Jason
- 11:30 Example Of The Biggest Strategy
- 13:45 Parkinson's Law
Important Links
Tuesday Dec 29, 2020
Deviled Eggs and Side Hustles
Tuesday Dec 29, 2020
Tuesday Dec 29, 2020
Is the thought of finding your passion overwhelming you? Has it stopped you from moving forward in starting your side hustle?
After reading a great article called "Not Every Hobby Is A Side Hustle" by Ann Friedman we are diving into the idea of whether doing what you're passionate about makes for the best side hustle, do you have to be passionate about your side hustle at all, and why being passionate about the results something gives you may enough.
What is your side hustle idea? Do you feel passionate about it or are you more passionate about the results it will give you? Please email us at Team@locationindie.com and let us know!
In This Episode:
- 02:15 Lessons From A Deviled Egg
- 04:30 Does Your Side Hustle Have To Be Something Your Passionate About?
- 11:15 Getting Into An Industry That Your Hobby or Interest Lies In
- 14:45 Passion As A Whole Or Only A Piece
- 17:20 The Danger Of The Word Passion
- 19:13 You Can Be Passionate About The Results & Not The Thing
"If you are passionate about something, does it have to become a side hustle? The answer is no. You should and can take sacred things that you do in life and say I am never going to turn this into a business." [14:47]
"Maybe it is healthier to not look at the overall business as something you have to be passionate about." [16:01]
"That is the danger of the word passion to me when it relates to entrepreneurship and starting side hustles is that people will say 'Do I have to be passionate about something to start a side hustle around it?' and it's hard to give a yes or no answer because passion isn't something that is always a yes or no thing." [17:23]
"So if you're sitting there and your saying, 'I don't know if I am passionate about this?'. Does it spur your interest a little bit? Is it something that you think would be fun? And if so, then you might go down that path to start seeing if it is something you're passionate about with the caveat that if you don't end up crazy passionate about it, that is also okay." [18:47]
"You don't always have to be crazy passionate about the thing that you're doing. You can be passionate about the results that you are going to achieve because of that." [19:13]
Important Links
- Grab Your Spot in the Side Hustle Success Challenge
- Not Everything is a Side Hustle - TheCut.com
- Location Indie
Tuesday Dec 22, 2020
Saying No = Saying Yes
Tuesday Dec 22, 2020
Tuesday Dec 22, 2020
Do you say yes to everything that comes your way? What have been the repercussions or successes of doing so?
We are talking about the Triangle of Freedom but more specifically time freedom. Today is all about the idea that saying no allows you to say yes and we dive into exactly what we mean by this, how to best use it in your everyday life, and what it can do for your time freedom.
What is your biggest hurdle in gaining your time freedom? Please email us at Team@locationindie.com and let us know!
In This Episode:
- 03:30 Creating The Lifestyle You Want
- 05:30 They Are Not Mutually Exclusive
- 06:30 The Biggest Struggle With Time Freedom
- 12:25 Saying No To Say Yes
- 14:20 Knowing What Your Priorities Are
- 15:20 Your Greatest Asset
- 17:25 The Most important Lesson
- 20:55 The Rule of Thumb
"You want to make sure you are saying no to the things that aren't as important so that you can say yes when an opportunity comes up that is important or that is something that you want to take advantage of." [12:33]
"Taking things away is actually sometimes the solution." [13:32]
"As humans, I think most of us are conditioned to always want to say yes and put ourselves second." [15:05]
"If you think about your time as your greatest asset (which it is) then you protect that like crazy. [15:53]
"If people take just one thing away from everything they have ever listened to on this podcast, I think the most important thing you can try to do and the most important lesson I can ever impart is the more proactive you are the better your life is going to be. [17:25]
Important Links
- Location Indie
- FREE Side Hustle Success Guide
- Side Hustle Success Challenge Starting In January 2021
Tuesday Dec 15, 2020
The Employees to Entrepreneur Mindset Shift
Tuesday Dec 15, 2020
Tuesday Dec 15, 2020
Does your current mindset gear more towards the corporate employee or the entrepreneur? What difference does it actually make?
We are getting into the shift from employee to entrepreneur mindset, why it matters, how to think about things differently, and tips and tricks to make the change less jarring. This process takes time so be kind to yourself and hopefully, you can gain some insights into what you can expect therefore making the journey a little easier.
What point resonated with you the most? Please email us at Team@locationindie.com and let us know!
In This Episode:
- 05:00 This Isn't Something That Happens Quickly
- 06:05 The Biggest Mindset Shift Is...
- 08:40 What Are You Giving Up?
- 12:15 Time Doesn't Equal Productivity
- 15:25 There Is No Right Answer
- 19:10 You Have The Freedom To Experiment & Try Stuff
- 22:08 Creating Your Own Destiny
"Entrepreneurship is one of the sneakiest self-development tools out there." [5:40]
"There's no ceiling on your income" [10:08]
"Money isn't tied to time but time doesn't equal productivity" [12:15]
"In the hierarchy of a company, there is going to be someone over you telling you if that was done correctly or not, and when you are an entrepreneur you are that person making those calls." [17:13]
"When your an entrepreneur your confidence comes from building something didn't exist before & then serving those clients or customers & the feedback coming from them" [20:37]
Important Links
Tuesday Dec 08, 2020
3 Ways To Quit Your Job
Tuesday Dec 08, 2020
Tuesday Dec 08, 2020
Today is all about the 3 types of people who are trying to go location independent and we will narrow down the best way that we see to get you there. Here is some foreshadowing, the best way to go about it isn't the way that we necessarily got to location independence but join us as we dig into the triangle of freedom & give you some insights to get you the life you want & desire.
What part of the triangle are you going after first, please email us at Team@locationindie.com and let us know!
In This Episode:
- 01:40 Triangle Of Freedom
- 04:15 Save & Splurge Technique
- 10:00 Fly By The Seat Of Your Pants Technique
- 17:35 Sustainable Success Maker Technique
- 20:05 The Mystery 4th Bucket
- 22:45 Last Thoughts & Tips
Important Links
Wednesday Dec 02, 2020
Making It A No Brainer
Wednesday Dec 02, 2020
Wednesday Dec 02, 2020
Today we are talking all about making your business a no brainer for your clients or customers. People will pay a premium when you are able to give them something that they desire or options that they never knew about and if you're able to save them money in the long run, even better. Join us as we dive into the questions you need to ask yourself, how to polish your message, why your who matters, and the importance of knowing you're not going to appeal to everyone.
We will be doing a lot more episodes on side hustles, quitting your job, entrepreneurship mindset plus a ton more and we really appreciate having you with us on this journey. If there is a topic you would like to hear more about please email us at Team@locationindie.com.
In This Episode:
- 02:40 Being A No Brainer Business
- 05:00 What Is The Alternative Reality?
- 06:55 Making your Business An Even Bigger No Brainer
- 08:35 It Won't Appeal To Everyone
- 12:30 Why The Processes Matter
- 15:05 Getting Out Of Your Own Head
- 18:00 Pricing Is Not The Only Way To Make It A No Brainer
- 21:30 The Big Takeaway
Important Links
Tuesday Nov 24, 2020
Why a Side Hustle is the Best Bridge
Tuesday Nov 24, 2020
Tuesday Nov 24, 2020
Last week we discussed the triangle of freedom (if you missed it go back and take a listen) so that you can be proactive and not reactive in your own life. Today, we are getting into what we believe is the best way to start your path to the triangle of freedom and that is the side hustle. Now, this doesn't have to mean that you take this giant leap from full-time work to scrambling to make money but instead having a side hustle builds a bridge from full-time employed work to full-time work in your own business without the stress and drama of having to sink or swim.
We will be doing a lot more episodes on side hustles, quitting your job, entrepreneurship mindset plus a ton more and we really appreciate having you with us on this journey. If there is a topic you would like to hear more about please email us at Team@locationindie.com.
In This Episode:
- 03:30 Proactive vs. Reactive
- 04:35 Side Hustles For The Guys
- 07:45 The Side Hustle Bridge
- 10:45 Building Entrepreneurship Skills
- 15:45 Biggest Fear Is...
- 20:45 Wile E Coyote Inspiration
Important Links
Tuesday Nov 17, 2020
The Triangle Of Freedom Explained
Tuesday Nov 17, 2020
Tuesday Nov 17, 2020
We have the three freedoms that make up our ideal lifestyle and we are diving into each of them and how they come together to create our full Triangle of Freedom. Are you working towards your Triangle Of Freedom? What steps do you have in place to achieve all three? How have your priorities changed since you began working on the three freedoms?
In This Episode:
- 03:30 Talking About Freedoms
- 05:50 What Are The 3 Freedoms
- 06:15 Location Freedom & What It Means For You
- 18:00 Time Freedom & What It Means For You
- 25:30 Financial Freedom & What It Means For You
- 32:30 What Are You Prioritizing In Your Life Right Now
Important Links
Tuesday Sep 08, 2020
5 Biggest Myths of Starting a Side Hustle
Tuesday Sep 08, 2020
Tuesday Sep 08, 2020
There are a ton of myths surrounding the idea and application of side hustles and today we are tearing into 5 of the biggest ones. Which ones resonated with you the most?
In This Episode:
- 03:20 7-Day Side Hustle Success Challenge
- 05:50 Myth One
- 10:55 Myth Two
- 14:05 Myth Three
- 18:05 Myth Four
- 22:25 Myth Five
Important Links
Tuesday Sep 01, 2020
8 Ridiculous Side Hustle Ideas...And the Lessons Learned
Tuesday Sep 01, 2020
Tuesday Sep 01, 2020
Today we are discussing our most ridiculous, crazy & funny side hustle ideas and the lessons that we learned from each one of them.
What has been your most ridiculous side hustle idea? Did you actually go after the idea? What was the outcome if you did?
In This Episode:
- 06:20 The Art Of The Side Hustle
- 10:20 Building Something That You Want To Be Around
- 12:45 The First Ideas
- 20:50 Why Lifestyle Plays A Huge Role In A Side Hustle
- 26:50 More Silly Ideas & Lessons Learned
- 36:35 Get You To Take An Idea & Start Doing Something WIth It (With Some Guidance)
Important Links
Tuesday Aug 11, 2020
The Power of Story For Your Business
Tuesday Aug 11, 2020
Tuesday Aug 11, 2020
Today we are discussing the power of story for your business, how being authentic and transparent can lead you to more customers, and why your story can help you build the Know, Like, Trust factor which is imperative in being successful.
Have you taken the time to really build your story? What are the key things holding you back from writing it out & how can you conquer them?
Important Links
Tuesday Aug 04, 2020
Lifestyle Business or Business Lifestyle?
Tuesday Aug 04, 2020
Tuesday Aug 04, 2020
How much is business a part of your lifestyle?
Today we are breaking down lifestyle business vs business lifestyle and what that actually means. Once you start your business your eyes get opened to all things business-related so that you can improve your business, expand your network, & share knowledge with others all while having fun (yes, actual fun).
We talk a lot about the lifestyle part of location independence such as traveling but we haven't really dived into the business lifestyle and what that can look like for many people especially those who are just starting out. It is time for us to flip the lifestyle business term on its head, get intuned with the business mindset, and embrace the freedom to explore without limits.
Tuesday Jun 23, 2020
Why We Spent $20k on Coaching
Tuesday Jun 23, 2020
Tuesday Jun 23, 2020
Today we are discussing why we spent 20k on coaching, how it can fast track your progress, and why coaching is such a positive investment in your future.
You can get to the next level on your own or you can utilize the minds & experience of those who are already doing it and doing it well, the choice is always yours. We choose to invest in ourselves (& businesses) to get to the stage we want in a much faster fashion because we know that time is money and spending all that time to figure it out on our own wasn't go to benefit us in the long run.
Have you ever invested in yourself & your dreams? Has coaching ever helped you in the past? What was the most impactful thing that has happened to you with a coach?
This Episode
- 03:55 We Invested In Ourselves
- 10:00 Sticker Shock & Self Development
- 12:30 Consumption vs. Action
- 19:00 Return On Investment (ROI)
- 26:05 Committing With Your Time & Money
- 28:30 Knowing Your Value
- 32:05 Trav Is Glad It Was So $$$
- 35:00 Everyone Benefits From Coaching
- And so much more!
Important Links
Tuesday Jun 02, 2020
Are Sunk Costs Really Sunk?
Tuesday Jun 02, 2020
Tuesday Jun 02, 2020
Tune in today to learn about sunk costs and what they really mean to your business and the lifestyle you desire. Don't give up your whole life for something because you are afraid of “throwing it all away.”
You can come out stronger, with ideas for a better plan and a new way of operating. Think about what you can do differently and take what you've learned to give people value and make things work for everyone.
Plus, you'll learn how to find the aspects of sunk costs that will help you build an LI lifestyle.
In This Episode
- 03:11 That Are Sunk Costs
- 08:29 Make The Leap
- 11:40 Mindset Flip
- 14:00 Why You Shouldn't "Throw It All Away"
- 22:04 What Aren't Actually Sunk Costs
- And so much more!
Important Links
Tuesday May 26, 2020
The Cost Of Inaction
Tuesday May 26, 2020
Tuesday May 26, 2020
Have you ever thought about the cost of inaction? What might you be giving up if you don’t pursue your dream business or dream lifestyle?
Learn how the fear of being stuck can propel you towards making a decision and taking action. You'll never know what ripple effects will happen until you make it real. And think about what you might be missing out on if you don't take action.
Plus, you'll get a 10-minute actionable exercise to help you figure out what path you want to take...
Tune In To Learn:
- 05:33 The Thought Exercise
- 10:26 Project Your Future Life
- 14:05 Risk Is A Learned Skill
- 21:23 Which Path Do You Prefer
- And so much more!
Tuesday Apr 07, 2020
Six Reasons Why We Should Still Be Talking About Travel
Tuesday Apr 07, 2020
Tuesday Apr 07, 2020
And now for podcast #2 with a LIVE audience via our Zoom room!
Is it okay to still be talking about travel? No one wants to be seen as insensitive, uncaring, or tone-deaf during these extremely tough times (for us all) so this is a question a lot of us in the travel world have been asking ourselves. Trav came up with 6 reasons why not only is it okay but we should be talking about travel right now. Join us as Trav breaks down his list and Jason either agrees or counterargues with his views.
We hope you all are healthy, happy, & safe! Remember we will all be traveling once again in the near future but for now, it is our duty to stay home so that the world can be a safer place for everyone.
Tuesday Mar 31, 2020
Tuesday Mar 31, 2020
We decided to switch things up for our next 2 podcasts and record them with a LIVE audience via Zoom and man, did you guys not let us down! For part 1 we asked our live audience, 'what is one positive thing you are doing now that you weren't doing before this #quarantinelife' and we got some inspiring answers. While the coronavirus should be taken very seriously, we wanted to do something fun to show that it doesn't have to be all doom and gloom & we can make this new normal a positive one if we try.
We hope you all are healthy, happy, & safe! Remember we will all be traveling once again in the near future but for now, it is our duty to stay home so that the world can be a safer place for everyone.
Tuesday Mar 10, 2020
Hold Your Own Rally
Tuesday Mar 10, 2020
Tuesday Mar 10, 2020
Are part of your LI goals to create a space to bring like-minded people together? Do you want to hold your own rally?
In today's episode, we talk about why we started our podcasts, the amazing benefits to being around people who are doing amazing things, and why creating communities can be life-changing both personally and professionally.
Tune In To Learn:
Saturday Feb 29, 2020
Big Leap Series: What To Expect At Camp Indie w/ Vanessa Tharp
Saturday Feb 29, 2020
Saturday Feb 29, 2020
Welcome back to the BIG leap series where we bring on some of our Camp Indie speakers to talk about their first big leaps into their location independent lives, tips & tricks to get you there, and so much more!
Today's guest is the amazing Vanessa Tharp who is the Camp Director at Camp Indie, business coach & organizational mastermind for many great businesses & events. She recently took her big leap into her own business and has not looked back once! If you want to know a little about what to expect at Camp Indie then definitely listen to this episode!
Tune In To Learn:
- 04:05 Her Big Leap & Investing In Yourself
- 07:15 Advice For Newbies
- 10:15 The Power Of Connections & Relationships
- 15:30 Why Come to Camp Indie & What To Expect
- And so much more!
Friday Feb 28, 2020
Big Leap Series: Hobby Hacking From Passion To Business w/ Sean Ogle
Friday Feb 28, 2020
Friday Feb 28, 2020
Welcome back to the BIG leap series where we bring on some of our Camp Indie speakers to talk about their first big leaps into their location independent lives, tips & tricks to get you there, and so much more!
Today's guest is the Godfather of location independent businesses, Sean Ogle from LocationRebel.com. We are beyond lucky to call Sean a friend and have him share his abundant knowledge of all things business with you. Sean will be joining us at Camp Indie and will be talking all about Hobby Hacking: How To Turn Your Passion Into a Successful Brand & Business and this will be packed with valuable information to get you from idea to business in the quickest timeline possible.
Take a listen to Sean's story!!
Tune In To Learn:
- 04:00 What Is Life Like Now
- 06:25 The First Big Leap
- 12:15 The Power of In-Person Connections
- 17:25 Camp Indie Talk About Hobby Hacking
- 19:45 What Are You Most Excited About At Camp Indie
- And so much more!
Thursday Feb 27, 2020
Big Leap Series: Finding Your Nomad Style w/ Anne & Mike Howard
Thursday Feb 27, 2020
Thursday Feb 27, 2020
Welcome back to the BIG leap series where we bring on some of our Camp Indie speakers to talk about their first big leaps into their location independent lives, tips & tricks to get you there, and so much more!
Today's guests are Anne & Mike Howard from HoneyTrek.com. They have been traveling full-time since 2012 and have enough stories and insights to make the Encyclopedia Brittanica look like a short story. They will be joining us at Camp Indie to help you find your nomad style, why, how, & where so that you can make a plan of action to get you on the road in the way that will align you with success. You will learn the pros/cons/hacks of van life, backpacking, housesitting, part-time expatting, & seasonal work so that you can find the style or styles that suit you best.
Take a listen to Anne & Mike's story!!
Tune In To Learn:
- 03:30 Current Reality
- 07:30 The First Big Leap
- 14:00 Advice To People Who Want To Be LI
- And so much more!
Wednesday Feb 26, 2020
Big Leap Series: Building your Biz Using Content Amplification w/ Ray Blakney
Wednesday Feb 26, 2020
Wednesday Feb 26, 2020
Welcome back to the BIG leap series where we bring on some of our Camp Indie speakers to talk about their first big leaps into their location independent lives, tips & tricks to get you there, and so much more!
Today's guest is another Location Indie community member, business creator & business scaler extraordinaire Ray Blakney from The Infinite Upcycle. Ray is the king of scaling businesses to 6 & 7 figures, creating processes that make that success easier and repeatable for everyone, and is one of the nicest guys on the planet. He will be joining us at Camp Indie and will be talking about Building a 7-figure Online Biz with Content Amplification and anytime that Ray speaks, we should all be listening.
Take a listen to Ray's story!!
Tune In To Learn:
- 03:00 The Infinite Upcycle
- 05:00 First & Second Big Leaps
- 13:00 Learning About Yourself
- And so much more!
- Find Ray at Live Lingua & The Infinite Upcycle
- Check out his podcast at The Anomalous Educator
- Camp Indie - Don't forget ticket prices go up on March 1st
Tuesday Feb 25, 2020
Big Leap Series: Managing Finances To Live Like An LI Superstar w/ Nora Dunn
Tuesday Feb 25, 2020
Tuesday Feb 25, 2020
Welcome back to the BIG leap series where we bring on some of our Camp Indie speakers to talk about their first big leaps into their location independent lives, tips & tricks to get you there, and so much more!
Today's guest is the brilliant, funny, & finance managing guru herself, Nora Dunn from the ProfessionalHobo.com. We have been huge fans of Nora's even before we could call her our friend and we couldn't be more excited to have her be a part of Camp Indie. Nora will be speaking on Managing Finances To Live Like a Location Independent Superstar so that you can make your travel & business dreams a reality knowing that you are doing it all with financial smarts. Nora makes money stuff easy to manage from anywhere & knows loopholes to travel & live like royalty on a pauper’s wage.
Take a listen to Nora's story!!
Tune In To Learn:
- 03:45 Present Reality vs "Regular" Life
- 09:50 Being Intentional & Not Knowing Everything
- 12:15 The Big Leap & Laying Foundations
- 17:15 What Is Nora Most Excited About For Camp Indie
- And so much more!
Monday Feb 24, 2020
Big Leap Series: Goal Revolution w/ Chelsea Munoz
Monday Feb 24, 2020
Monday Feb 24, 2020
Welcome back to the BIG leap series where we bring on some of our Camp Indie speakers to talk about their first big leaps into their location independent lives, tips & tricks to get you there, and so much more!
We have an even more special place in our hearts for today's guest because she is a Location Indie community member who has parlayed her knowledge into a thriving business. Chelsea Munoz, from The Power of POP, is all about having a goal revolution and at Camp Indie, she will be helping campers to plan, organize and heighten their productivity skills to help guide overwhelmed yet driven self-starters who are going after their big dreams but find themselves stuck.
Take a listen to hear Chelsea's story!
Tune In To Learn:
- 02:50 The Lawnmower Decision
- 06:05 When Friends & Family Don't Understand
- 10:30 Advice For Those Who Want The LI Lifestyle
- 14:00 Goal Revolution: 3 Month Plan
- 18:00 Camp Indie Will Be The Start Of Something Big
- And so much more!